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REVOLUTION Playing Cards


"When injustice becomes the law, rebellion becomes a duty.
-Thomas Jefferson


With a simple press of a button, shady characters can shake the very foundations of power.

There is a hidden world out there, chaotic and fast-paced, where a universe of information is secretly gathered and weaponized when the time is right. We rarely catch a glimpse of this world humming away every second in the underworld of our society.


On the surface we see our lives, our communities, our societies... but beneath that facade lies a stream of digital information - it has the power to reshape history.


Tomorrow's revolution will be over before society even knows it's started. It will be carried out without angry protesters, controversial elections and one-sided media coverage. Everything could change at the touch of a button.


Conceived and designed by Jason Brumbalow and illustrated by Abraham Garcia, the Revolution Playing Cards pay homage to the insurgents.


Take a closer look, what do you see? What if the key was in your hands? What if you could start a...revolution?

REVOLUTION Playing Cards

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